Saturday, August 21, 2010

Can't Believe I forgot!

On an earlier post on my blog I wrote I may be working with machinima director Lieutanteddy. Well that is true as of a coupla weeks ago. I wrote everywhere (Facebook, youtube, twitter) I can't believe I forgot my blog... anyway I'm in his Ray William Johnson Parody called Eight Equals Equals Dee (8==D get it?) It's a video game version of RWJ about people who suck at video games, I'm the last video shown in the compialation of me and my cousin losing a match of Chain Reaction in less than 30 seconds in Uncharted 2. It's really funny view it here CLICK HERE TO VIEW LIEUTANTEDDY'S RAY WILLIAM JOHNSON PARODY WHICH I"M A GUEST STAR IN I'm not shown for very long but on a seperate note I did help LieutenantEddy (via facebook) with a name for his e-mail account for people to send in their bad video game clips.


Click Here To View My New Video

It's a re-edit of an old video I made back in 2009 with my friend Nick. I removed after some personal issues but it's back now and better than before with a new song included makes the watching experience that much better. If you've heard of the song it's "Home" by Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

From Paris with Love and Triage Reviews

From Paris with Love starring John Travolta and that guy who carries the vase of pot was about a terrorist attack on former-president Hilary Clinton. It has lots of action, comedy and even some drama. John Travolta plays an agent who plays by his own rules which lead to confusion and problems, he eventually explains himself and everything seems good. The ending leaves an opening for a sequel. From Paris with Love gets 7/10.

Triage was a war chick flick if you believe me. It has some action but most of the movie is set in Scotland or wherever at this guy's house. The acting is poorly delivered at times but is easy to follow. I do enjoy the action scenes and the ending but it was mostly sorrow, pain and drama and I'm not interested in that. Triage gets 5/10.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

New (but really old video) now on Ehholepro

Click here to video my new video NOW...please.
The video is a Friday the 13th special and has lots of cheesy moments.

Kick-Ass and Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Reviews

I recently went to the theaters, more like yesterday and watched a movie called Scott Pilgrim vs. The World starring Michael Cera and directed by Edgar Wright. I really had doubts about it but when I walked out it was really a hilarious and action packed film. There was a ton of special effects that blew my mind away, some looked even better than Avatar (did I really just say that?). I loved the movie for many reasons one of them includes all the video game and comic book references, the opening of the Universal logo was all 8-bit animated and had an 8-bit song to it, it really reminded me of all the NES games that I used to love...and still do! There was even a part where Scott gets an extra life that says (1 up) and he makes a funny joke. My favourite part about the movie is the way I spelt "favourite"...that's right, it's Canadian! The movie is directed by the guy who directed such popular british titles as Spaced (TV series), Shaun of the Dead, and Hot Fuzz. Those movies were awesome and to have the same director direct a Canadian-based film made it the best! The film is based on a 6 part comic book series that was created by a Canadian but the illustrations looked like manga. I've never read any of the comics yet but I will now definiatly soon. I rate Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World 9.5/10 stars! It was really that good, I can't say no to a Canadian/video game inspired/ based on comic series wonder... who can?
This next movie I had rented from Blockbuster. I had no idea what it was or what it was going to be about but I didn't care, I popped it in the disc tray and right away at the beginning of the movie I thought,"This has a lot to do with comic books" and I did some research (later on) and I found out it was based on a comic book series. I found out the comic series was created by the guys who made some spider-man and x-men comics, then I was interested. Kick-Ass is the single best movie I saw this summer. It was so funny and action packed and was really just all around fun. The beginning has you guessing, Kick-Ass (Superhero's name) gets his ass kicked by a bunch of gang members, he gets stabbed then hit by a car, he swears not to put the costume on again but it was hard for him, especially after meeting 2 new superhero's, Hit-Girl and Big Daddy. The movie had a stellar soundtrack too. It was really one of the best movies I've ever seen. It was bloody and was almost worse than Watchmen, but it was soooo good. I have to rate this movie 10/10.