Thursday, June 30, 2011

Likes and Dislikes of the Uncharted 3 Beta

So far I've played around 2 hours of the Uncharted 3 beta and I've got to say... it's not that bad. Now I say that uneasily as it has many flaws that I hope Naughty Dog will fix when it releases.

Some flaws include (Multiplayer):
-Too slow (laggy- requires too much)
- Seems like it was rushed (fleshed-out too quickly for an early release)
- Too overwhelming (Too much stuff on screen)
- Menus are different than from Uncharted 2
- Hard to hear custom voices
- Co-op (There is none)
- Guns, grenades and melees do less damage
- Split-screen too distracting
- Too much HUD
- Don't understand kickbacks
- Invert Camera won't work
- When you pause to change settings you have to press play to resume filming and to take control of the camera once more
- recording doesn't record the effects you include in it
- many many noclipping issues

And that's what I dislike about the beta, not too bad. And here's what I Like about the beta:
- Sprint feature
- Upgraded boosters
- Creepy Crawler Kickback (looks sweet!)
- Split Screen is fun
- cutscenes are an alright addition, it doesn`t really affects gameplay
- Still has some sense of Uncharted 2`s roots
- Emblem creator (needs to be better though)
- REWIND button
- Film mode

Monday, June 27, 2011

My new intro

Made using Adobe After Effects CS3. I'm not complete, I still need to add some sound to it.

Friday, June 24, 2011

My new computer

Yes it's true, I finally received my new computer...about a month ago. I can't remember to update my blog. But yes it is true. The computer I received in the mail not too long ago was an HP Pavilion triple-core processor with 3.1 Ghz, 1tb hard-drive, HD compatible (soon), and an ATI Radeon HD 4200. Everything about this computer blows my mind. I love it! And because of the speed and quality of my pc expect MANY more videos to be released this summer on ehholepro. As well as that I've been hard at work on opening and closing titles for my videos. So expect newer more high quality ones as well. Thanks to

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

3 New Videos.

Huzzah! I have returned to youtube after a while in hiatus. I have 3 new videos on my ehholeproductions channel. View them here:

Video Name:
The Return of Eh-Hole Productions

Video Name:
Gabe Newell Plays Opposing Force

Video Name:
I suck at Super Meat Boy

Expect many more videos to come out this summer. I'm gonna put much effort into making the best videos this year. I'm gonna make some Let's Plays, comedy sketches (live action), Gmod videos, and much more! Subscribe today to get the succulent taste of what is to come.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Best games at E3 2011

This was loooong over due. When was E3? Half a month ago? Yes... well consider this a very much delayed reaction to the E3 experience. This post will show all the games I most excited for. From greatest to least. This is it, it's finally here.

Uncharted 3? Of course I'm gonna start with Uncharted 3. Uncharted 2 has only been my favourite game for a year and a half now. When I saw Uncharted 3 at E3 this year I dropped to my knees. It was the single most amazing game at E3 this year (with the exception of Twisted Metal, of course :) ). The image above is quite obvious. It's the Uncharted 3 collector's edition. The great thing about this collector's edition is it's availability, the collector's edition for Uncharted 2 only had 100 copies or something like that.

The next greatest game (or possibly tied with UC3) is Twisted Metal. I know Twisted Metal was only shown briefly at this year's E3 but that's because the devs. release the trailer before E3 happened, as did many developers. What I find cool about this image is the fact that Sweet Tooth is actually using Axel's wheels. It proves there will be some customability in the game.
The next game isn't on Ps3, obviously. But this game will include MASTER CHIEF! That's awesome! I loved Halo 1 up to 3 but I found that the last 3 weren't the best. Halo Wars sucked, Halo 3 ODST was dissapointing, and Halo Reach although better than Halo Wars and ODST still wasn't up to par with Halo 3 in terms of story, and gameplay. I wanna drive vehicles during crazy explosions, not beat down ostriches in a field! But this Halo promises to be sweet!

The next game on the list is a reboot of a popular franchise, Tomb Raider is the name, and that is all. Much like Twisted Metal is just called, well... Twisted Metal. After seeing the trailer at I believe Ubisoft's press conference, then followed by gameplay I was blown away. They turned rich bitch adult Lara into Survival Horror teen Lara. The gameplay looks smooth and less clunky than the rest of the games. The devs. say they were inspired by Batman Begins when they were working on the game. Sweet!

This next game came as a suprise to everyone at the EA conference. Insomniac games is working on a completely new game, possibly even series for all platforms, I think Nintendo was excluded once again though. But this game looks good, at least from the trailer's perspective. It does not reveal any gameplay but does promise to have the traditional Insomniac humour. I doubt I'll buy it but I'll at least give it a chance.

This next game is the new (but actually old) Halo game. It is a remake of the popular Halo: Combat Evolved. It is expected to use the new Halo engine and include online and offline compatibility. It also makes use of the Kinect peripheral. It's retail price is rumored at $39.99.

And finally last, and technically least game I'm most excited about from E3 is Rayman Origins. It's none of that Raving Rabbids crap either, this is full-on legitimate, side-scrolling, no-limbs-walking, crazy fast-paced Rayman. I loved the old Rayman games from my childhood and I can't wait for the release of this one. Long live Rayman.

Things I noticed in Trailers...

This post shows everything I could see that some may not catch the first time 'round in video game trailers. Some may be speculation, some may be legitimate.

Uncharted 3 E3 2011 Trailer:

First Game we have here is well obvious, not just because I put the name on top but also because these are well known characters. Or are they? On the right we see Elena, but, who's that on the left. He looks like Sully but...HE'S GOT NOT MUSTACHE? NOOOO! The mustache could've been a character in itself, they could've made an entire game based on Sully's mustache, why did they get rid of it?
Another thing we have here in Uncharted 3 is horse back riding. In the trailer it is shown for a brief moment near the end. I thought many people would catch on right away but I was mistaken that is why I posted this here. I guess Nathan Drake has to find some fast way across the desert.

Twisted Metal "Broken" Trailer:
This is a live action scene from the Twisted Metal "Broken" trailer. This is one of around 4 or 5 trailers that Eat Sleep Play had released. Notice anything about this man? Here, I'll show you.
Now see anything? Damn, you're dumb, let me zoom in...
This distorted image proves that this man is either Sweet Tooth or a clown in the Sweet Tooth clan. From what I can make out the shirt reads: "Sweet Tooth's... something something..." Sorry I don't have an image enhancer like in CSI.
Next we have Mr.Grimm on a motorcyle, that's all fine and dandy, but...what's that? Is it? Could it be? A big Boy? .... If you are unfamiliar with what Big Boy is, it is an American family fast food restaurant chain founded in 1936 by Bob Wian. Bob's Big Boy restaurant usually carries a large Big Boy on the top of the restaurant. Such as what you can see here. This could potentially prove there is product placement within Twisted Metal. But who cares about that?

and finally...

Never Dead E3 Trailer:
...yeah...this game looks like shit. That's all I noticed.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Ambitious ideas that would make Twisted Metal THE best game ever!

I'm not saying any of this post is relevant to the franchise, it is not rumor or speculation, this is 100% my ideas that would make Twisted Metal the most fantastic game of the century.

The main reason why I'm doing this is because Twisted Metal is one of my most favourite franchises of all time and I can't wait to see it's release. I know it will be a success but these are some of my own innovative ideas that could potentially make Twisted Metal that much better.

First of all, I noticed that many games now-a-days are re-creating old games using new engines, Microsoft just announced it's Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Edition which is Halo 1 using the Halo Reach engine. Duke Nukem 3D Reloaded was just announced today and is sounding pretty decent, after Duke Nukem Forever flopped. So maybe Twisted Metal Ps3 could include a revamped Twisted Metal 1 in the game disc. I think that would be amazing. If not revamped then at least include Twisted Metal 1 in there anyway, for old time's sake.

Second, a collector's edition. It's been talked about for quite some time now I think it would be awesome to have a replica Sweet Tooth truck in the box set.

Third, as a playable extra in Twisted Metal: Head-On you could run around as Sweet Tooth, there has also been speculation that Preacher could have been a playable character aswell. If this was in TM PS3 I think I'd have a nerdgasm.

Fourth, Although multiplayer is a big aspect, don't skimp out on the single player experience, and yes I'm talking to you David Jaffe. I know you've never done it before so don't let this be the first.

Fifth, Pack the game full of extras, please.

Sixth, If putting all the characters in the game was too much of a problem at least mention them within the game, or maybe cameos. Remind me of the characters I remembered from my childhood.

and Seventh, PLEASE don't let it be like Duke Nukem: Forever.

Thanks to the Twisted Metal Team and especially to Scott Campbell and David Jaffe, the creators of probably the greatest franchise of all time!

P.S. make a sick-ass Ps3 cover.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Uncharted 3 E3 trailer is Beast!
View it here. ^
I'll post more tomorrow about this and other E3 events. Including a recap.
It's too late tonight.