Sunday, April 10, 2011

Portal 2

To celebrate my excitement for the upcoming Valve game, Portal 2 I have changed my "Trophies" banner to that of Portal 2. The game releases April 20th of this year. This blog post is all about Portal 2, all the interesting things about it and comparing it to its predecessor.

Portal 2 has a campaign 2 1/2 times longer than Portal 1 and includes a co-op campaign including a story.

Portal 2 has a ESRB rating of E10+, as Portal 1 has a rating of T. I have many theories for this rating, either Valve has gone soft on blood as they did in Portal 1 (they only showed blood when Chell was shot by the turrets and you could see it on the wall) or they didn't include blood at all. I noticed in Portal 1 there was mild language, I guess not in Portal 2 then. Portal 2 having a rating of E10+ is nothing to bang your head against the table about, it simply means there won't be blood, it will still have the same dark back story that connects with the Half-Life series and other Valve games.

GLadOs is back....although she is not a homicidal killer anymore, as seen in gameplay she has gone soft on Chell and decides to join forces with her.

The story got 10X more confusing. I don't know if it's just me but ever since they introduced a bunch of new characters like Wheatly I got 10X more confused. They are still trying to link Half-Life to this franchise...right?

The Portal comic that was released on Friday is another reason why Portal 2 will be confusing...the story is based after (or...during) you kill gLaDos and a scientist talks about you (Chell) . Unrelated to this article the scientist has a weighted companion cube on the back of him that he talks to through out the entire comic.

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