Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Reason for my GOTY

Last GOTY post then back to regular posts...

-it's because I don't like RPG's. (Which is Skyrim, but I rate Skyrim 8/10 for effort)
-it's because Uncharted 3 cannot ever beat Uncharted 2 (I rate Uncharted 3 9.6 because it's still Amazing!)
- and that leaves Batman... hmmm.... what can I say bad about batman? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. However I can still say that there are way too many pricey dlcs out that actually ruin the experience for me. Here's a tip rocksteady... if you have a great selling game, don't ruin it by adding expensive dlc to it. Do what glorious Valve did and give top notch dlc for free!

I rate Batman: Arkham City 9.8/10. I love the story, the gameplay, the voice-acting, the depiction of Batman....I just severely hate the dlc. Who seriously would want to buy a robin costume who has the exact same powers as batman (in the game) for (I think it's) $6.99. Also I was not a fan of Robin in the story. (He was there for like 10 seconds).

So that's my rant on Skyrim, Uncharted 3, and Batman: Arkham City.

I have nothing bad to say about Portal 2, Valve you are seriously the greatest company in the world.... Keep the games coming! (Ep. 3?)

And the winner is...

Ah fuck you all it's PORTAL 2

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Game of the Year WINNER

Will it be Batman: Arkham City,
Uncharted 3,
Portal 2
or Skyrim?
Check back next week to find out

Game of the Year

Now first of all I want to start by saying I did not play that many games this year so my idea of game of the year is incredibly biased. I'm basing my "game of the year" on only games that I have played or games that I have a rough idea of.

Lets start with games I did not play:
- Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword
- Assassin's Creed Revalations
- Halo Combat Evolved
- Battlefield 3
- Modern Warfare 3
- Saints Row The Third
- Rayman Origins
- and more!

These are the games of 2011 that I have played and enjoyed:
- Batman: Arkham City
- Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
- Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- Dead Island
- Portal 2
- and more!

Based on games that I have knowledge of and games that I have played... There are only 4 games per category. Here are the categories for my `game of the year`:

(Games that are underlined win that award)

Most Replayable game:
- Uncharted 3: Drake`s Deception
- Rayman Origins
- Skyrim
- Dead Island

Best Voice Acting:
- Portal 2
- Uncharted 3: Drake`s Deception
- Assassin`s Creed: Revalations
- Modern Warfare 3

Best Soundtrack:
- Dead Island
- Portal 2
- Uncharted 3: Drake`s Deception
- Skyrim

Best graphics:
- Halo Combat Evolved
- Uncharted 3: Drake`s Deception
- Batman: Arkham City
- BattleField 3

Best Story:
- Portal 2
- Batman: Arkham City
- Uncharted 3: Drake`s Deception
- Skyrim

Best Character:
- Chell (Portal 2)
- Nathan Drake (Uncharted 3)
- Victor Sullivan (Uncharted 3)
- Ezio Auditore Da Virenze (Assassin`s Creed)

Nominees for `Game of the Year`:
- Batman: Arkham City
- Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
- Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- Dead Island
- Portal 2
- Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword
- Assassin's Creed Revalations
- Halo Combat Evolved
- Battlefield 3
- Modern Warfare 3
- Saints Row The Third
- Rayman Origins


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Uncharted 3 flaws/improvements.

Uncharted 3's flaws:
- More prone to glitches and clipping issues than the previous titles. (Doesn`t feel as fleshed out and polished like the previous 2)
- Enemies that piss me off. (Enemies that always shoot from behind when I'm already in combat with sombody ahead of me)
- Shorter story.
- The game tries to take control a lot more. (I don`t know what it is but it`s unlike the previous games, this game takes control of the character in areas you would expect to play)
- Ridiculous enemies. (Enemies that take the ammo capacity of 3 long range guns to defeat).
- Too many annoying combat sequences. I think they tried to emphasize that the combat system in Uncharted 3 is unlike the others...however there are only few differences.

Uncharted 3`s EPICNESS:
(There is no word in the english dictionary to describe the way I feel about the following so replace the adjectives with a stronger vocabulary if you like)
- Fantastic story. 10/10
- Amazing Graphics. 10/10
- Awesome Gameplay. 9.5/10
- Redicoulously super awesome terrific killer Soundtrack. 10/10
- Cutscenes. 9.5/10
- Stellar voice acting. 9.5/10
- Stupendious Multiplayer. 9.6/10

This was a difficult game to rate, having been playing Batman: Arkham City two weeks ahead of this game it was difficult to get into. I got waay too used to the control scheme of Arkham City going into Uncharted 3 and that made it difficult for me to enjoy. I feel like if I were to play Uncharted 2 before Uncharted 3 I would've love Uncharted 3. However this just didn't happen. Uncharted 3 in my opinion is still the greatest game of 2011.

In my opinion I do not think this game deserves a 10/10 like IGN gave it, the reason being is because it's not a 10/ game is. If a game is 10/10 you're basically saying there are no flaws and the game has no room for improvement. There is no such thing as a perfect game, and there never will be.

However I rate Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception - 9.6/10
I rate Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - 9.9/10
and I rate Uncharted: Drake's Fortune - 9.7/10 my opinion Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception is the worst in the Uncharted series but the 3rd best game ever.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

New Callou incoming...

In time for the Halloween holidays.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What I watch after I wake up...

Click the link above.
It's a speech by Charlie Chaplin
It really makes you think about your life and how you're spending it. To us the most important thing is the material goods we buy or just money in general and to others in suffering focus on survival.

It really made me rethink my life so far.

Monday, August 22, 2011

My Youtube Snake Scores

I am officially a master at this game! In case you don't know what or how to use Youtube Snake here's the basic rundown:
When you're watching a video, before it loads click on the video screen, then press the left and up arrow keys in a repetitive motion, this should activate snake. Then you can move around using up, down, left and right without disrupting the video. But be careful, if you click away from the youtube screen it will disable the controls. And be careful, when you die, not to keep moving as this reables the video movements.

Here's the videos I was watching when I screencapped my scores:
- Tegan and Sara ???
- Pooh Bear meets the Terminator
- Some Black Screen????
- Elliot Goes to School
- FIRES!!???

I bought A Terrible Game.

Today I had made a horrific purchase. It was on and it goes down in the most awful games of mankind. The Game if you haden't guess it yet is Twisted Metal Small Brawl. I know you are thinking "Why?". Well let me just defend myself by saying that I'm a fan of Twisted Metal and I'm going to continue to support the franchise, for the good games and the bad. This will just add to my Twisted Metal collection. Now I own TM 2, 3,4, Small Brawl, Black, Headon, and Headon Extra Twisted Edition. Fun Fact: Did you know that TM Small Brawl was made for Ps1 after the release of TM Black? Also by the same company as 1,2,black,and head-on. Incognito now call themselves Eat.Sleep.Play.

and yes I own Twisted Metal 2 on Psp. It was an impulse buy.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Why We Need Physical Discs.

If we turn away from disc-based games we're giving up:
- the freedom to return a video game
- the freedom to rent a video game
- Collector's editions
- speedy installations (especially if you have a bad internet provider)
- the freedom to sell an old game
and most of all:
- The ability to physically grasp the case of a new game.

ALSO, doesn't everything seem much more rewarding once you paid for a 60 dollar game to have it sit up in your collection, I know it does for me, that's why I try to avoid downloadable games at all costs.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Eh-Holes of Garry's Mod


It took a while and I now understand lots of the aspects of Garry's Mod. I played a total of 29 hours so far. HIT ME UP ON STEAM : Da_Killa200

On another note, I'm still very excited about the release of the new twisted metal game. I'm looking into tutorials on gmod on how to make models and things and once I understand it better I'm gonna make a sweet tooth model just for the occasion. :D

Friday, July 1, 2011

My Broken GTA IV

So I recently bought Grand Theft Auto 4 for the PC. I love that game, everthing about it is awesome, it's packaging, it's gameplay, it's humour, it's...broken disc. Yes it's true, when I got my GTA 4 out of it's box I found that disc 2 was broken. It wasn't as broken as these pictures describe but it did not function on my PC. I tried my best to make it work, I tried many times but in the end it was just not cooperating. So I did what any sane person would do...I snapped it in half and called my friend to ask if I could use his disc 2. And that's how the story went. So anyways, I got GTA 4 working finally and I say the word "working" very loosely as it is very laggy on the lowest possible setting. Which is why I've decided to upgrade my graphics card. ATI Radeon HD 4200 is just not good. Super Meat Boy lags on it!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Likes and Dislikes of the Uncharted 3 Beta

So far I've played around 2 hours of the Uncharted 3 beta and I've got to say... it's not that bad. Now I say that uneasily as it has many flaws that I hope Naughty Dog will fix when it releases.

Some flaws include (Multiplayer):
-Too slow (laggy- requires too much)
- Seems like it was rushed (fleshed-out too quickly for an early release)
- Too overwhelming (Too much stuff on screen)
- Menus are different than from Uncharted 2
- Hard to hear custom voices
- Co-op (There is none)
- Guns, grenades and melees do less damage
- Split-screen too distracting
- Too much HUD
- Don't understand kickbacks
- Invert Camera won't work
- When you pause to change settings you have to press play to resume filming and to take control of the camera once more
- recording doesn't record the effects you include in it
- many many noclipping issues

And that's what I dislike about the beta, not too bad. And here's what I Like about the beta:
- Sprint feature
- Upgraded boosters
- Creepy Crawler Kickback (looks sweet!)
- Split Screen is fun
- cutscenes are an alright addition, it doesn`t really affects gameplay
- Still has some sense of Uncharted 2`s roots
- Emblem creator (needs to be better though)
- REWIND button
- Film mode

Monday, June 27, 2011

My new intro

Made using Adobe After Effects CS3. I'm not complete, I still need to add some sound to it.

Friday, June 24, 2011

My new computer

Yes it's true, I finally received my new computer...about a month ago. I can't remember to update my blog. But yes it is true. The computer I received in the mail not too long ago was an HP Pavilion triple-core processor with 3.1 Ghz, 1tb hard-drive, HD compatible (soon), and an ATI Radeon HD 4200. Everything about this computer blows my mind. I love it! And because of the speed and quality of my pc expect MANY more videos to be released this summer on ehholepro. As well as that I've been hard at work on opening and closing titles for my videos. So expect newer more high quality ones as well. Thanks to

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

3 New Videos.

Huzzah! I have returned to youtube after a while in hiatus. I have 3 new videos on my ehholeproductions channel. View them here:

Video Name:
The Return of Eh-Hole Productions

Video Name:
Gabe Newell Plays Opposing Force

Video Name:
I suck at Super Meat Boy

Expect many more videos to come out this summer. I'm gonna put much effort into making the best videos this year. I'm gonna make some Let's Plays, comedy sketches (live action), Gmod videos, and much more! Subscribe today to get the succulent taste of what is to come.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Best games at E3 2011

This was loooong over due. When was E3? Half a month ago? Yes... well consider this a very much delayed reaction to the E3 experience. This post will show all the games I most excited for. From greatest to least. This is it, it's finally here.

Uncharted 3? Of course I'm gonna start with Uncharted 3. Uncharted 2 has only been my favourite game for a year and a half now. When I saw Uncharted 3 at E3 this year I dropped to my knees. It was the single most amazing game at E3 this year (with the exception of Twisted Metal, of course :) ). The image above is quite obvious. It's the Uncharted 3 collector's edition. The great thing about this collector's edition is it's availability, the collector's edition for Uncharted 2 only had 100 copies or something like that.

The next greatest game (or possibly tied with UC3) is Twisted Metal. I know Twisted Metal was only shown briefly at this year's E3 but that's because the devs. release the trailer before E3 happened, as did many developers. What I find cool about this image is the fact that Sweet Tooth is actually using Axel's wheels. It proves there will be some customability in the game.
The next game isn't on Ps3, obviously. But this game will include MASTER CHIEF! That's awesome! I loved Halo 1 up to 3 but I found that the last 3 weren't the best. Halo Wars sucked, Halo 3 ODST was dissapointing, and Halo Reach although better than Halo Wars and ODST still wasn't up to par with Halo 3 in terms of story, and gameplay. I wanna drive vehicles during crazy explosions, not beat down ostriches in a field! But this Halo promises to be sweet!

The next game on the list is a reboot of a popular franchise, Tomb Raider is the name, and that is all. Much like Twisted Metal is just called, well... Twisted Metal. After seeing the trailer at I believe Ubisoft's press conference, then followed by gameplay I was blown away. They turned rich bitch adult Lara into Survival Horror teen Lara. The gameplay looks smooth and less clunky than the rest of the games. The devs. say they were inspired by Batman Begins when they were working on the game. Sweet!

This next game came as a suprise to everyone at the EA conference. Insomniac games is working on a completely new game, possibly even series for all platforms, I think Nintendo was excluded once again though. But this game looks good, at least from the trailer's perspective. It does not reveal any gameplay but does promise to have the traditional Insomniac humour. I doubt I'll buy it but I'll at least give it a chance.

This next game is the new (but actually old) Halo game. It is a remake of the popular Halo: Combat Evolved. It is expected to use the new Halo engine and include online and offline compatibility. It also makes use of the Kinect peripheral. It's retail price is rumored at $39.99.

And finally last, and technically least game I'm most excited about from E3 is Rayman Origins. It's none of that Raving Rabbids crap either, this is full-on legitimate, side-scrolling, no-limbs-walking, crazy fast-paced Rayman. I loved the old Rayman games from my childhood and I can't wait for the release of this one. Long live Rayman.

Things I noticed in Trailers...

This post shows everything I could see that some may not catch the first time 'round in video game trailers. Some may be speculation, some may be legitimate.

Uncharted 3 E3 2011 Trailer:

First Game we have here is well obvious, not just because I put the name on top but also because these are well known characters. Or are they? On the right we see Elena, but, who's that on the left. He looks like Sully but...HE'S GOT NOT MUSTACHE? NOOOO! The mustache could've been a character in itself, they could've made an entire game based on Sully's mustache, why did they get rid of it?
Another thing we have here in Uncharted 3 is horse back riding. In the trailer it is shown for a brief moment near the end. I thought many people would catch on right away but I was mistaken that is why I posted this here. I guess Nathan Drake has to find some fast way across the desert.

Twisted Metal "Broken" Trailer:
This is a live action scene from the Twisted Metal "Broken" trailer. This is one of around 4 or 5 trailers that Eat Sleep Play had released. Notice anything about this man? Here, I'll show you.
Now see anything? Damn, you're dumb, let me zoom in...
This distorted image proves that this man is either Sweet Tooth or a clown in the Sweet Tooth clan. From what I can make out the shirt reads: "Sweet Tooth's... something something..." Sorry I don't have an image enhancer like in CSI.
Next we have Mr.Grimm on a motorcyle, that's all fine and dandy, but...what's that? Is it? Could it be? A big Boy? .... If you are unfamiliar with what Big Boy is, it is an American family fast food restaurant chain founded in 1936 by Bob Wian. Bob's Big Boy restaurant usually carries a large Big Boy on the top of the restaurant. Such as what you can see here. This could potentially prove there is product placement within Twisted Metal. But who cares about that?

and finally...

Never Dead E3 Trailer:
...yeah...this game looks like shit. That's all I noticed.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Ambitious ideas that would make Twisted Metal THE best game ever!

I'm not saying any of this post is relevant to the franchise, it is not rumor or speculation, this is 100% my ideas that would make Twisted Metal the most fantastic game of the century.

The main reason why I'm doing this is because Twisted Metal is one of my most favourite franchises of all time and I can't wait to see it's release. I know it will be a success but these are some of my own innovative ideas that could potentially make Twisted Metal that much better.

First of all, I noticed that many games now-a-days are re-creating old games using new engines, Microsoft just announced it's Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Edition which is Halo 1 using the Halo Reach engine. Duke Nukem 3D Reloaded was just announced today and is sounding pretty decent, after Duke Nukem Forever flopped. So maybe Twisted Metal Ps3 could include a revamped Twisted Metal 1 in the game disc. I think that would be amazing. If not revamped then at least include Twisted Metal 1 in there anyway, for old time's sake.

Second, a collector's edition. It's been talked about for quite some time now I think it would be awesome to have a replica Sweet Tooth truck in the box set.

Third, as a playable extra in Twisted Metal: Head-On you could run around as Sweet Tooth, there has also been speculation that Preacher could have been a playable character aswell. If this was in TM PS3 I think I'd have a nerdgasm.

Fourth, Although multiplayer is a big aspect, don't skimp out on the single player experience, and yes I'm talking to you David Jaffe. I know you've never done it before so don't let this be the first.

Fifth, Pack the game full of extras, please.

Sixth, If putting all the characters in the game was too much of a problem at least mention them within the game, or maybe cameos. Remind me of the characters I remembered from my childhood.

and Seventh, PLEASE don't let it be like Duke Nukem: Forever.

Thanks to the Twisted Metal Team and especially to Scott Campbell and David Jaffe, the creators of probably the greatest franchise of all time!

P.S. make a sick-ass Ps3 cover.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Uncharted 3 E3 trailer is Beast!
View it here. ^
I'll post more tomorrow about this and other E3 events. Including a recap.
It's too late tonight.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

I need Friends!

I am just returning to the STEAM network and I need friends to play games and make machinimas with. If you are interested in making machinimas on GMod add me on Steam.
Steam account: Da_Killa200
or contact me through anything.
youtube: friggenvideogames , ehholepro (
Gmail: joshsmoviereviews , frigginvideogames (

This June I will be fully returned to the STEAM world and will definitely be making Gmod videos. If you're interested and have added me I will be able to add you via my pc but I will not be able to play until June.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Kill Bill 3 Wishlist (W/ Spoilers)

With Kill Bill Volumes 1 and 2 labelled as two of the most memorable and action thrillers of the decade, it's hard to wonder why and how they could possibly complete a third one, given the ending of the second.

Kill Bill Vol. 1 is one of my favourite movies of all time, right next to Rocky and Back to the Future. It has some of the best effects and choreography of all time and some of the best acting. The protagonist ,who remains nameless throughout the series, has been given the title of "The Bride" due to the fact that she was about to get married before a series of events were to happen. The story follows her on her revenge spree to kill the one who ruined her wedding, killed her husband and almost killed her. The first doesn't have that much of a story background but it does have the best action visuals of all time (in my opinion) and some of the goriest scenes in history. It even has an amazing Anime style scene that lasts about 10 minutes long. It's sweet.

Fun Fact: During the fight of the Crazy 88s, when the film randomly went to black-and-white was due to the fact that the cost of fake blood would have been very large, so instead they used plain water and turned the film colour to black-and-white to give the illusion of actual blood.

Kill Bill Vol. 2 left as a final installment of the amazing kill bill franchise, at least that is what people were to believe. This is not the case however, as Kill Bill Vol. 3 has been outed by Quentin Taratino a while back, leaving us guessing who the antagonist could be, considering Bill had died in the second one.

Fun Fact: It was to be believed that Kill Bill Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 were to be 1 whole movie, but since it would have been too long, Tarantino made it into 2, that's why there is so much action in the first one with little explaining and little action in the second one with lots of explaining.

Here it is My Kill Bill Vol. 3 Wishlist:
- More Amazing choreography
- Another Anime style scene with lots of gore
- Flashbacks of Bill
- Bill returns (perhaps?)
- Continue the Western/Eastern style genre
- The Bride to kill the rest of Bill's minions
- An amazing twist

And there it is...I may add more to this wishlist in the future but for right now this is it.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Portal 2 DLC Outed

IGN posted today that Valve leaked a totally free DLC to come this summer for PC/Mac, Ps3, and Xbox 360. They said it will include new test chambers for players, leaderboards, challenge modes for both Co-Op and Single-Player campaigns and more. They announced it will be one of an uncertain number of add-ons they will release for their ground-breaking title. Valve did not mention if the future downloadable packs will be free.

This isn't the first time Valve released a DLC for a Portal game. A few years ago Valve released "Portal: Still Alive" exclusive for the Xbox 360 which was the entire Portal game with around 19 challenge maps for 1400 points.

They also outed a continuation of the "Portal: Lab Rat" series which will be released at an ungiven date or whether it will be downloadable or sold in stores. Portal: Lab Rat 's 2 issue series can be read online at either or

Friday, April 22, 2011

Portal 2 compared to Portal 1

I know, I know when I get started on a subject I don't stop for 5 or 6 posts but this is different.
This is about how much better Portal 2 is compared to its predecessor.
What Portal 2 has that Portal 1 doesn't:
- An expansive Co-Op mode.
- A more in-depth story line.
- New characters.
- New elements.
- More elaborate secrets.
- A 2.5-5 times longer campaign.
- 2 New songs at the end of both the single-player and Co-op campaigns.
- Different controls (better).
- Better physics.
- Better graphics.
- Incredible voice acting.
- An ending that doesn't leave you guessing.

If you're wondering about the controls here's the general layout for the Ps3 version:
Portal 1:
Fire Blue Portal - R2
Fire Red Portal - L2
Crouch - O
Action - Square
Jump - X or L1
Portal 2:
Fire Blue Portal - R1
Fire Red Portal - L1
Crouch - O
Action - Square
Jump - X
Zoom - R2

This is not the case for Portal 2 Co-op mode. There are more controls added for the co-op mode.

As you can see Portal 2 changed their controls to better suite the average gamer. They resemble that of Call of Duty.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Contender for "Best Game Ever"

That's right! Portal 2 is a definite contender for my Favourite game of all time. Right up next to Half-Life 2 Episode 2 and Uncharted 2 Among Thieves.

It's because Portal 2 is just HUGE! The story, the back story, the hidden secrets, the 2 campaigns, the in-game songs, and MUCH MUCH MUCH more make Portal 2 one of the greats.


So for the past 1 1/2 days I've been puzzle solving, none of that Majong crap either, this is legitimate brain-buzzling fun. Portal 2 is the name of the game as it continues from its predecessor, "Portal". The story follows a girl named Chell as she makes her way through testing chambers created by a homicidal killer robot named GLaDos. At the beginning of the game you wake up in a simulated living room only to be greeted by a friendly robot named Wheatley who helps you throughout the first few test chambers, you are later parted with Wheatley as GLados doesn't hesitate to kill him, or so you think. Here's the rest of the story in a nut-shell:
- You continue to beat GLaDos' horrible chambers.
- You reunite with Wheatley who lights your way through dark corridors.
- Wheatley takes over GLaDos.
- Wheatley turns evil.
- GLaDos turns into a potato. (I'm actually not joking)
- You travel deep within Apertue Science's testing chambers where there is no one to boss you around.
- Except for Cave Johnson.
- Cave Johnson died a while back but his voice lives on as he instructs you to do some testing on the old Aperture Science labs.
- You see how the testing chambers develop as you progress through them. They start at around 1950 and continue until the 1970s where you can hear Cave's voice sound older.
- You reunite with Potato GLaDos who has turned to your side.
- You attach the Potato GLaDos to your portal gun as she tells you important information if you're interested in the story.
- Many more puzzles in Cave Johnson's testing areas.
- You return to modern Aperture science as Wheatley has taken over and destroyed most of it.
- You find out that if the robots (e.g. Wheatley and GLaDos) want power they have to ALWAYS test someone or something in Aperture Science.
- Chell and GLaDos attempt to escape as Wheatley tries to kill you.
- You and GLaDos made a good team and destroyed Wheatley in the most bizarre way:
-you sent a Portal to the moon (as one portal was just below Wheatley in Aperture labs) and it sucks Wheatley into outer space.
- GLaDos decides not to kill Chell with great hesitation and sends her outside and never to return to Aperture science. (You get to see outside but you don't control her)

I am skipping too much of this game to make it enjoyable to read. This game was absolutely fantastic! I loved every minute of it. Valve said when Portal 2 was released that it would only be 2.5 times longer than Portal 1 but I found it to be 5 times longer, maybe it's just because I spend time dilly-dallying.

This game had sooooo much comedy in it that I did not mention, you'll just have to play it for yourself, but it was so funny at some points in the game.

Although the game is only rated E10+ the creators really pushed the limits as far as it could go. There is swearing, dark humor and makes reference to Half-Life in many situations. If it were up to me I'd give it a T rating at the lowest.

What I just described does not do the campaign's justice, please pick up a copy of this game today, you won't regret it (if you enjoyed the first one that is).

This doesn't even scratch the surface of what this game is, there are many new abilities and things that make it even more fun and challenging such as:
- Laser cubes ( Allows you to redirect a laser beam)
- Repulsion Gel (Allows you to walk faster)
- Propulsion Gel (Allows you to jump higher)
- White Gel ( Allows you to place a portal wherever you couldn't before)
- Transfer Beams ( Allows you to float within the boundaries of the Beam)
and much more...

I played a good 8 hours on the single player campaign to finally beat it. Valve said the Co-op campaign is equally as long and I only played 30 minute on the co-op campaign, I will play more of it but PSN is down right now.

This game is incredible and I strongly suggest it to anyone who loves Valve, or Portal 1, or Steam, or science fiction, or even puzzle games, even though it is much more than that.

I give Portal 2 a generous 10/10 stars.

If you enjoyed this review please follow and add me on STEAM :
I can't play anything until June 18th when I get my new computer but when I do add me as I will play anything.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

2 reasons to celebrate Portal 2

I just found out 2 exciting things about portal today.
1st: I didn't know about this but it makes deciding which console (pc or ps3) would be better for Portal 2 100% easier... the Ps3 version of Portal 2 has a code inside the box allowing for use on both Ps3 and PC. At first I didn't know what to get Portal 2 for, now the answer is obvious.

2nd: Valve just revealed the ending song (or one of the songs) that will be shown in Portal 2. Just like its predecessor it will have an "A"mazing song at the end of it. When I first listened to it I absolutely loved it, it's so different compared to the first portal's song but it is 10x better.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Portal 2

To celebrate my excitement for the upcoming Valve game, Portal 2 I have changed my "Trophies" banner to that of Portal 2. The game releases April 20th of this year. This blog post is all about Portal 2, all the interesting things about it and comparing it to its predecessor.

Portal 2 has a campaign 2 1/2 times longer than Portal 1 and includes a co-op campaign including a story.

Portal 2 has a ESRB rating of E10+, as Portal 1 has a rating of T. I have many theories for this rating, either Valve has gone soft on blood as they did in Portal 1 (they only showed blood when Chell was shot by the turrets and you could see it on the wall) or they didn't include blood at all. I noticed in Portal 1 there was mild language, I guess not in Portal 2 then. Portal 2 having a rating of E10+ is nothing to bang your head against the table about, it simply means there won't be blood, it will still have the same dark back story that connects with the Half-Life series and other Valve games.

GLadOs is back....although she is not a homicidal killer anymore, as seen in gameplay she has gone soft on Chell and decides to join forces with her.

The story got 10X more confusing. I don't know if it's just me but ever since they introduced a bunch of new characters like Wheatly I got 10X more confused. They are still trying to link Half-Life to this franchise...right?

The Portal comic that was released on Friday is another reason why Portal 2 will be confusing...the story is based after (or...during) you kill gLaDos and a scientist talks about you (Chell) . Unrelated to this article the scientist has a weighted companion cube on the back of him that he talks to through out the entire comic.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Playstation's Finale

As much as I don't like to admit it, I will be mostly leaving the world of the ps3 for a more suitable method of gaming....PC. June 18th marks the day I will be forgetting the fruit of the playstation and starting to enjoy gaming on the PC. That's not to say I will be leaving the Ps3 behind for good ... in my spare time it will be used for gaming purposes, like when Twisted Metal or Uncharted 3 come out for example, but I fear those 2 games will be the last the ps3 gets.

That's not to say pc is a bad thing, in fact it will open up more opportunities to make more game related videos and even more of the regular stuff. Ehholepro hasn't got that much attention recently and I plan to change that will my pc. Ehholepro will house ALL of my new videos with absolutely no exceptions.

Pc has a wide variety of games as well. Gmod, minecraft will prove useful to many of my videos. As well I may take up modding, but that sounds unlikely...I still have some life.

So if you think it's a bad idea to get a pc then just remember that I will not ever stop making videos. It will not change my opinion on the Ps3/360 feud....Ps3 will always win, but all I'm saying is that I will not play as much.

Add me if you want though on PSN: ehholepro

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sucker Punch looks so damn sweet!

I've been long awaiting this movie since the moment the teaser reached the internet. From what the trailer reveals I can assume that this movie is about a hot chick that goes to an insane penitentiary to get treated for whatever it is that she may have, then instead of being treated for her illness, she gets treated like shit by the doctors and she's done with it all so she leaves to her own physiological world where she can battle with her demons. This movie sounds incredible especially because there is a nice looking "femme fatale" involved as there is in most movies like this. Anyways so it's directed or produced or something by the guy who did Watchmen and Sin City (or some other movie). Sorry I cannot provide all that much straight info with this movie I am rather tired. Anyways... so I am slightly disappointed the person involved with Watchmen is helping with an actual good movie, I'm just joking that's not fair, Watchmen was pretty good. (Around 7/10). So anyways I'm definitely gonna see this film when it comes to theaters. and I suggest you do the same. :)

New Computer Soon

Coming June 18th of this year I will be receiving an HP Pavilion Desktop with a Quad Core processor. The price: $847.47 (tax included)
The great this about this pc is that I will now be able to edit videos without hassle.
The computer I use right now is slow, old, outdated, and obsolete. This new computer has a large life expectancy and will keep me entertained for years down the road.
On my new pc I will be able to make videos I never would have been able to do on my current computer.
As well as this I will also be able to make videos more frequently, without hassle.
You've got to give me credit though because right now and for the past 5 years I've been using this crap box comp for editing and it's slow and horrible. When I try to preview a project I am working on in sony vegas it skips like a bitch and is really annoying, how anyone can use such a pile is unbelievable.

So this new pc will give me so much more creativeness and help me with future projects.
Here are the specs:
  • 2.80GHz AMD Phenom II 925 Quad-Core processor; 2MB L2 + 6MB Shared L3 Cache
  • 8GB system memory; Expandable to 16GB
  • 1TB hard drive
  • 16x SuperMulti DVD optical drive with LightScribe Technology
  • Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
  • ATI Radeon HD 5570 graphics card with 1GB dedicated memory, DVI, HDMI and DisplayPort capabilities and support for Microsoft DirectX 11
  • High Definition Audio with up to 7.1 surround sound capabilities
  • Connectivity options include 100/100 Ethernet LAN and Wireless LAN 802.11b/g/n
  • Integrated 15-in-1 memory card reader
  • Ports include 6 x USB 2.0 and HDMI
  • Sliding door concealing ports for a clean look
  • Includes HP USB keyboard and optical mouse
  • Dimensions: 15.32"(H) x 6.97"(W) x 16.85"(D)
  • Weight: 9.75 lb.
  • 1-year limited warranty

Saturday, February 19, 2011

NEW video out!

Click Here to see my new video "The Cut"
This is based loosely on any type of Grindhouse movie due to the blood and sound fx.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Saturday, January 15, 2011

First post of the new year.

Huzzah for the first blog post of the new year!
Here's a recap of what I did in the past month:
- started rewatching and reloving The Chronicles of Narnia and Lord of the Rings movies.
- watched Futurama season 5 and it's entirety.
- watched the following movies in chronological order of when I saw them: The Other Guys, Inception, The Town, and Family Guy: It's a Trap.
- I started to read Marvel Zombies the graphic novel and Batman: Year One.
- I played and beat Mafia II, and Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.
- I started Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe, Lego Batman, and Battlefield Bad Company 2.

Longer Posts and reviews of the following from bottom to top coming soon.

...busy guy...